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World Suicide Prevention Day 2020: Awareness, theme, takeaminute


Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020: Awareness, theme, takeaminute

World Suicide Prevention Day(WSPD) every year observed on 10th September for raising awareness about the prevention of suicide worldwide. the day is organized by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) with the help of the World Health Organisation (WHO). The aim of this day is to create awareness among people about the fact that suicide can be prevented.

According to WHO, In the World around 800000 individuals dies because of suicide, one suicide in every 40 seconds and for each suicide, there are a lot more individuals who attempt suicide consistently. Suicide is the consequent significant reason for death among youngsters 15-29 years old. The most widely recognized ways for suicide are ingestion of pesticide, hanging, Vein cutting and firearms around the world.

Pay Attention towards the signs of the origin of suicide.

There are certain notice signs that include: sadness, uncontrolled anger, looking for revenge, acting foolish or taking part in hazardous exercises - apparently without thinking, feeling caught like it is extremely unlikely out, expanded liquor or drug use, pulling back from friends, family and society, tension, fomentation, incapable to rest(sleep) or dozing constantly(sleeping) and sensational state of mind changes.

The listening ear of somebody with sympathy, compassion and an absence of judgment can help reestablish trust. You can sit with them, ask them how they are getting along and urge them to recount to their story. This little signal goes far and may save a precious life.

Suicide Prevention Day


• Take a minute to notice what is going on with you, your family, your friends and your colleagues.

• Take a minute to reach out and start a conversation if you notice something is different.

• Take a minute to find out what help is available for both you and others.

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Awareness & Theme  

"Working together to prevent suicide",

The theme is used for WSPD 2020, the theme was also used for WSPD 2019. Importance of theme, and directly signify the theme is the only way to preventing suicide, give your attention to everyone who feels cut off from society. The theme also highlights the most fundamental element for successful worldwide suicide counteraction 'joint effort'. Every one of us can contribute to preventing suicide just by being empathetic and contacting others.

Give your time to those, who are trap in kind of this fluctuation situation but People are often reluctant to intervene, for many reasons, including a fear of not knowing what to say. It is important to remember, there is no specific formula. Empathy, compassion, genuine concern, knowledge of resources and a desire to help are key to preventing a tragedy.

Suicide Prevention Day

Another factor that keeps people from mediating is the concern of making the situation worse. This hesitation is reasonable as suicide is a troublesome issue to address, joined by a fantasy that recommends discussing it might urge weak people to observe the thought or trigger the demonstration. 

Events and activities for World Suicide Prevention Day include:

  • The launch of new government initiatives to prevent suicide.
  • Media programs promoting suicide awareness and prevention.
  • Conferences, open days, educational seminars or public lectures.
  • Organizing cultural or spiritual events, fairs or exhibitions.
  • Launches of publications about suicide awareness and prevention.
  • Memorial services or candlelight ceremonies to remember those who died from suicide.
  • Training courses about suicide and depression awareness.


Almost 3000 individuals on normal die by suicide day by day, as indicated by WHO. For each individual who finishes a suicide, at least 20 may try to take their lives. Around 1,000,000 individuals pass on by suicide every year. Suicide is a significant preventable reason for sudden passing which is impacted by psychosocial, social and environmental risk factors that can be prevented through overall reactions that address these primary danger factors. There is solid proof demonstrating that satisfactory prevention can decrease suicide rates.

On average, three male suicides are accounted for each female one, reliably across various age groups and in pretty much every nation in the world. "On the other hand, paces of suicide attempts will, in general, be 2-3 times higher in ladies than in men, in spite of the fact that the sexual orientation gap has limited in late years." More individuals pass on from suicide than from murder and war; it is the 13th leading cause of death around the world.

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