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World First Aid Day 2020: History, Importance of First Aid


First aid day

World First Aid Day 2020: History, Importance of First Aid 

World First Aid Day celebrated on 2nd Saturday of the September Month, every year. This time it falls on 12th September. The IFRC accepts that the first aid ought to be available to all including the most helpless, and ought to likewise be an essential aspect of a more extensive formative methodology. first aid day is commended to raise open familiarity with how emergency treatment can spare lives in ordinary and emergency circumstances.

“An annual opportunity for everybody to promote and gain knowledge in first aid”

The Aims of First Aid Day is to highlight the importance of first aid around the globe as an act of humanitarian empowerment and as a key component of a wider resilience approach; it is an occasion to reach a wider public audience and try to change the way the world thinks about first aid. The Global First Aid Reference Centre is in charge to coordinate this event and provide resources for National Societies.

Importance of First Aid

First aid definition-  It enables you to assist persons who become injured in the event of an accident or emergency situation until help arrives.

First Aid knowledge is invaluable for both you as the individual and for your community. First Aid skills can be applied in the home, the workplace or in public locations, therefore the more First Aid certified people there are in a community the safer that community becomes.

First aid day

Becoming First Aid certified not only benefits you as an individual but it extends to your family, friends, co-workers and even the community as a whole. As unpleasant as it is to talk about, accidents and emergency situations are not completely preventable or unavoidable.

This is why it is very important for as many people as possible to have at least a basic knowledge of First Aid.

What is First Aid Treatment

Accidents will consistently occur in spite of any proportion of protection strategy and care. Along these lines, people who are appropriately prepared and with the right gear are great assistance in guaranteeing better security for everybody. Without legitimate First Aid, a basic physical issue could get serious and sometimes, fatalities can happen because of the absence of quick clinical treatment. First Aid doesn't simply advance quicker improving it helps spare lives.

what are the basic first aid & types of first aid

  • Preserve Life.
  • Prevent Deterioration.
  • Promote Recovery.
  • Taking immediate action.
  • Calming down the situation.
  • Calling for medical assistance.
  • Apply the relevant treatment.

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Importance of first aid kit 

First aid kits are an absolute necessity have for each home. First aid kits are fundamental so you can treat sicknesses and wounds that occur at home. From the minor illness to the more genuine injury a first aid kit can help lessen the danger of infection or the seriousness of the injury. It may profit you and your family to go to a first aid class through the Red Cross so as to realize how to use all the provisions in a first aid kit. Another great spot to have a first aid kit is the point at which you go out with your family. You can store it in your vehicle so if something happens when you are out someplace you can begin treating the issue right away.

First aid day

make your first aid store with basic equipment

  • Gloves
  • CPR Pocket Mask
  • Tourniquet
  • Two Triangular Bandages
  • Roller Gauze
  • Elastic Bandage
  • 4×4 Gauze Pads
  • Medical Tape
  • Sam Splint
  • Trauma Shears

World First Aid Day 2020: Theme and Observation

"First aid saves lives"

the theme for world first aid day 2020 is "First aid saves lives". the previous theme for 2019 was  “First Aid and Excluded People”.

Celebration of world-first aid day takes place in various country. the observation held as training of what is first aid treatment and how safely and quickly you need to do actions, from the experts of IFRC. Also, IFRC has been the world’s leading first aid trainer and provider for more than 100 years. In 2015, more than 15 million people were trained worldwide by 116 National Societies.

World-first aid day also recognized the importance of first aid and the importance of first aid kit and inspire how to use medical treatment in the worst and vulnerable situations. 

World First Aid Day 2020: History

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) introduced World First Aid Day in 2000. Every year, more than 100 Red Cross and Red Crescent Society people are made aware of the benefits of first aid in the world.

First Aid help started over 160 years back On 24 June 1859. At the Battle of Solferino in north Italy. Henry Dunant, a young businessman from Geneva saw a devastating amount of suffering. He enlisted the civilian population and served the wounded mainly women, girls irrespective of their role in the fight. With the necessary materials, he establishment makeshift hospitals and served them.  His book “A Memory of Solferino” inspired the establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1863.

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