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International Literacy Day 2020: Observation, Theme, History

International Literacy day


International Literacy Day 2020: Observation, Theme, History

International Literacy Day: the day every year observed on 8th September since 1967. Literacy day focuses to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies.the day Celebrated in several countries. International Literacy Day was founded by proclamation of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, in 1966.

Can you imagine operating modern-day life without the basic ability to read and write? Clearing out illiteracy in each nearby network far and wide is the thing that International Literacy Day is about.

International Literacy Day 2020: Theme 

How can teaching and learning be reimagined in times of COVID-19 and beyond?

International Literacy Day 2020 focuses on “Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond,” especially on the role of educators and changing pedagogies. The theme highlights literacy learning in a lifelong learning perspective, and therefore, mainly focuses on youth and adults. The recent Covid-19 crisis has been a stark reminder of the existing gap between policy discourse and reality: a gap that already existed in the pre-COVID-19 era and negatively affects the learning of youth and adults, who have no or low literacy skills, and therefore, tend to face multiple disadvantages. 

International Literacy day

The day included many of Important Previous themes-

The goal of the united nation for the world is "Education for All"

The theme for the year 2007-2008 was "Literacy and Health". Likewise, nowadays, 2008 had also a strong epidemic and world fight against HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The theme for 2009-2010 was " Literacy and Empowerment". the theme focuses on special consideration to Gender Equality and the empowerment of women. 

The theme for the year of 2011-2012 was "Literacy and Peace".

Many more Important themes released by the conducted authority of International Literacy Day. 

Importance of Literacy and Celebration

Literacy is the key to personal empowerment and gives us personal dignity and self-worth. Figuring out how to read and write improves our capacity to discuss viably with others by upgrading oral language, permitting us to communicate our emotions, considerations, and thoughts with others all the more plainly.

The absence of Literary aptitudes limits social engagement at all age levels and keeps grown-ups and kids from having the option to partake completely and add to the advancement of society. Knowing how to read, write and work with numbers are important skills for jobs with opportunities to advance up the social-economic ladder. Literacy breaks the cycle of poverty, one life at a time.

International Literacy day

You can Celebrate the #Internationalliteracyday by donating some of the knowledgeable material books, like, primary school classroom libraries consistently need fresh reading material to keep youthful students keen on reading. Approach your youngster's instructors for a list of things to get of books they realize students will appreciate and give them to the class. On the off chance that you don't have a youngster in school, ask associates, family members or neighbours about giving to their kids' classroom libraries. You will be their legend on International Literacy Day.

Also Read-5 September Teachers Day 2020: History, Celebration, Significance

Literacy During COVID-19 Crisis

During COVID-19, in many countries, adult literacy programmes were absent in the initial education response plans as well as youngsters, so most adult literacy programmes that did exist were suspended, with just a few courses continuing virtually, through Internet online classes, TV, radio and in open-air spaces.

International Literacy Day 2020 provides an opportunity to reflect on and discuss how innovative and effective pedagogies and teaching methodologies can be used in youth and adult literacy programmes to face the pandemic and beyond. The Day will also give an opportunity to analyse the role of educators, as well as formulate effective policies, systems, governance and measures that can support educators and learning. (text is taken from Official website of The UN)

Teachers assume a vital part in reconsidering successful teaching and learning systems to limit the effect of the COVID-19 emergency. Consequently, the teacher's skills, working conditions, and encouraging procedures need our help.

International Literacy Day 2020: History

World Literacy Day was established by the announcement of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, in 1966 "to help people in general to remember the significance of literacy as an issue of respect and common freedoms. The possibility of an International Literacy Day was conceived at the World Conference of Ministers of Education on the annihilation of illiteracy held in Tehran, Iran in 1965. This day was likewise received as the aspect of the UN's sustainable advancement objectives program in 2015.

Did You Know?

  • 773 million adults and young people lack basic literacy skills.
  • 617 million children and adolescents are not achieving minimum learning levels in reading and mathematics.
The rank of some popular countries according to literacy rate-

1-Finland- rank 1

2-Norway- rank 2

3-Iceland- rank 3

4-The United States- rank 7

5-The United Kingdom- rank 17

6-China- rank 39

7-India- rank 115, according to the data of 2018.

Also Read-International Charity Day 2020: History, Importance, Observance

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