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Bhagat Singh Birthday: Bhagat Singh Quotes, Inspirational Quotes

bhagat singh quotes

Bhagat Singh Birthday: Bhagat Singh Quotes, Inspirational Quotes 

Bhagat Singh Quotes: Bhagat Singh was born on 28 September ( some said on 27 September) 1907 in Banga, Lailpur district, presently in Pakistan. He lived only for 23 years and a few months but the ideological maturity and determination he achieved at such a young age was unique. That is why this son of Mother India remained alive in the hearts of Indians for ages after ages at a very young age.

We remember Shaheed-Azam Bhagat Singh only as a revolutionary or a radical leftist who believes in violence for system change. But we forget that Bhagat Singh was also a thinker, poet, writer, and visionary, who conceived the slogan "Inklab Zindabad" by Hasrat Mohani. Our belief about this immortal martyr was based on the British record, which we did not attempt to test with our independent views.

Here are some Inspirational quotes by Bhagat Singh on his Birth Anniversary. Keep motivated by our youngster revolutionary ever in Indian History who encourage the lots of revolutionary in his time period. A great and Powerful leader whose words makes people aware of freedom. Scroll down for Powerful quotes by Bhagat Singh or Bhagat Singh quotes.

Following Article has types of quotes--

Motivational quotes about life,

Inspirational quotes for students,

Inspirational quotes about life and struggles,

Deep motivational quotes,

Most powerful quotes ever spoken & Inspirational words of encouragement.

Bhagat Singh quotes

  • "Philosophy is the outcome of human weakness or limitation of knowledge.” ―Bhagat Singh

  • “Revolution was the vital living force indicative of eternal conflict between life and death, the old and the new, light and the darkness”― Bhagat Singh

  • “But man's duty is to try and endeavour, success depends upon chance and environments.”― Bhagat Singh
bhagat singh quotes

  • “Rebellion against the king is always a sin according to every religion.”― Bhagat Singh

  • “They may kill me, but they can’t kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit.” --Bhagat Singh
bhagat singh quotes

  • “Self-reliance is always liable to be interpreted as vanity. It is sad and miserable but there is no help.”― Bhagat Singh

  • “It is beyond the power of any man to make a revolution. Neither can it be brought about on any appointed date. It is brought about by special environments, social and economic. The function of an organised party is to utilise any such opportunity offered by these circumstances.”― Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh quotes

  • "A rebellion is not a revolution. It may ultimately lead to that end." -Bhagat Singh

  • “Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable birthright of all.” ― Bhagat Singh

  • "I never had any desire to defend myself, and never did I seriously think about it." -Bhagat Singh
bhagat singh quotes

  • “Crush your individuality first. Shake off the dreams of personal comfort. Then start to work. Inch by inch you shall have to proceed. It needs courage, perseverance and very strong determination. No difficulties and no hardships shall discourage you. No failure and betrayals shall dishearten you. No travails (!) imposed upon you shall snuff out the revolutionary will in you. Through the ordeal of sufferings and sacrifice, you shall come out victorious. And these individual victories shall be the valuable assets of the revolution.”― Bhagat Singh

  • "I am still not at all in favour of offering any defence. Even if the court had accepted that petition submitted by some of my co-accused regarding defence, etc., I would not have defended myself." -Bhagat Singh
bhagat singh quotes

  • “If the deaf have to hear, the sound has to be very loud.” –Bhagat Singh

  • "I will climb the gallows gladly and show to the world as to how bravely the revolutionaries can sacrifice themselves for the cause." -Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh quotes

  • “Love always elevates the character of a man. It never lowers him, provided love be love.”― Bhagat Singh

  • "This is not the time to marry. My country is calling me. I have taken a vow to serve the country with my heart and soul." --Bhagat Singh
bhagat singh quotes

  • “Merciless criticism and independent thinking are the two necessary traits of revolutionary thinking.” ―Bhagat Singh

  • “Old order should change, always and ever, yielding place to new, so that one good order may not corrupt the world.” –Bhagat Singh

  • “I am a man and all that affects mankind concerns me.”― Bhagat Singh
bhagat singh quotes

  • “People get accustomed to the established order of things and tremble at the idea of change. It is this lethargic spirit that needs to be replaced by the revolutionary spirit.”― Bhagat Singh

  • “Any man who stands for progress has to criticize, disbelieve and challenge every  item of the old faith.” –Bhagat Singh

  • “I am full of ambition and hope and charm of life. but I can renounce everything at the time of need.”― Bhagat Singh

Read-30 Best Inspirational Quotes for Motivation, Success, Hard work

Bhagat Singh quotes

  • “Non-violence is backed by the theory of soul-force in which suffering is courted in the hope of ultimately winning over the opponent. But what happens when such an attempt fail to achieve the object? It is here that soul-force has to be combined with physical force so as not to remain at the mercy of the tyrannical and ruthless enemy.”― Bhagat Singh
bhagat singh quotes

  • “A rebellion is not a revolution. It may ultimately lead to that end.” ―Bhagat Singh

  • “Every tiny molecule of Ash is in motion with my heat I am such a Lunatic that I am free even in Jail.”― Bhagat Singh

  • “Lovers, Lunatics and poets are made of the same stuff.”― Bhagat Singh

  • “the sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas-Bhagat Singh

  • “The aim of life is no more to control the mind, but to develop it harmoniously; not to achieve salvation hereafter, but to make the best use of it here below.” ―Bhagat Singh

  • “Criticism and independent thinking are the two indispensable qualities of a revolutionary”― Bhagat Singh
bhagat singh quotes


  • “The day we find a great number of men and women with this psychology who cannot devote themselves to anything else than the service of mankind and emancipation of the suffering humanity; that day shall inaugurate the era of liberty.”― Bhagat Singh


Read-Bhagat Singh Birthday: Birth Anniversary of Saheed Bhagat Singh

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