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World Tourism Day 2020: Importance, Motive of Celebration, Theme


World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day 2020: Importance, Motive of Celebration, Theme

World Tourism Day 2020: Every year on 27th September world tourism day celebrated to raising awareness about the significance of tourism in the society. World Tourism Day Designated by the UNWTO ( United Nations World Tourism Organisations). Tourism is an important key point for developing the backwards society if that place has a key visionary thing which attracts the people. Tourism provides us with opportunities to connect the whole world with a different culture, different language and different living style. It also boosts up the economy of the nation.

This time, Tourism has been among the hardest hit of all sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic. No country has been unaffected. Restrictions on travel and a sudden drop in consumer demand have led to an unprecedented fall in international tourism numbers, which in turn have led to economic loss and the loss of jobs.

Theme & Importance

“tourism and rural development”

The theme for World Tourism Day 2020 is “tourism and rural development”. the theme will celebrate the unique role that tourism plays in providing opportunities outside of big cities and preserving cultural and natural heritage all around the world.

This year’s tourism day of observation comes at a critical moment( COVID-19), as countries around the world look to tourism to drive recovery, including in rural communities where the sector is a leading employer and economic pillar providing jobs and opportunity, most notably for women and youth.

The situation is particularly hard for youth: young people in rural communities are three times more likely to be unemployed than older adults. Tourism is a lifeline, offering young people a chance to earn a living without having to migrate either within their home countries or abroad.

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Motive of Celebration

"Tourism helps rural communities hold onto their unique natural and cultural heritage, supporting conservation projects, including those safeguarding endangered species, lost traditions or flavours."

--Zurab Pololikashvili (UNWTO Secretary-General)

 Every year UNWTO release a social message for enhancing the quality of Tourism Day. This the message During COVID-19 is-

For many rural communities, tourism means opportunity. It provides jobs and economic empowerment, including women and youth. Tourism gives rural communities the ability to protect and promote their natural surroundings, as well as their culture and heritage. In doing so, it allows tourists to enjoy unique experiences. In 2020, World Tourism Day celebrates the sector's importance for those communities that would otherwise be left behind.

World Tourism Day

Tourism gives us lots of advantages not only economically but also culturally. the main motive of the celebration of tourism day worldwide every year is to connect the nation-to-nation, society-to-society, People-to-people around the world. the day gives the opportunity to learn the different culture of different place of the world with a different livelihood. 

The tourism sector and Tourism Industry have a big role to grow the economy of a nation. It also gives the opportunity for developing the backward society financially. the sector generates the most employments in that backward area and provides to learn the modern lifestyle. The nation must have to aware of this golden opportunity and every single person also have to know the advantages of tourism in modern social life.

You can celebrate the day to visit a rural area or any near important heritage and spread the good word about that heritage or rural area. but, keep remember with the full precautionary item of COVID-19. Spread the good word bout tourism day in your social media platform with the #TourismDay and #WorldTourismDay.

The Impact of COVID-19 in Tourism

  • The data from the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) shows that 100 to 120 million direct tourism jobs are at risk.
  • The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) forecasts a loss of 1.5 to 2.8 per cent of global GDP.

The tagline of the UN for the rebuilding of Tourism in the world is- "Rebuilding tourism in a safe, equitable, climate-friendly way"

The UNWTO foresees that domestic tourism will return before international tourism. Managed well, this could benefit rural communities. that's why the theme totally focuses on rural tourism, It also provides more job opportunity in youth and it sustains the migration of people.

History of Tourism

The UNWTO decided in late September 1979 to establish world Tourism Day, which was first celebrated on September 27, 1980. September 27 was chosen as the date for World Tourism Day because that date coincided with an important milestone in world tourism: the anniversary of the adoption of the UNWTO Statutes on September 27, 1970.

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