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world day against child labour 2020: theme, significance, history

child labour
world day against child labour 2020: theme, significance, history 

"Anti child labour day" or the world day against child labour is observed on 12th of June every year since 2002 by the first over effort  International Labour Organization (ILO) to spread awareness in worldwide for preventing the child labour. ILO sanctioned the first holiday in 2002, from that day it is celebrating every year on June 12.

“Hundreds of millions of girls and boys throughout the world are engaged in work that deprives them of adequate education, health, leisure and basic freedoms, violating their rights. Of these children, more than half are exposed to the worst forms of child labour such as work in hazardous environments, slavery, or other forms of forced labour, illicit activities such as drug trafficking and prostitution, as well as involvement in armed conflict.” (THIS Text is taken from ILO website)

child labour

After the census of 2011, there were an estimated around 215 million child labourers in the world approx. 115 million of which were included in dangerous work. To fight against child labour around the world the International Labour Organization (ILO) started the World Day Against Child Labor in 2002.

this important Day not only focuses on the proper environment wanted for the children to grow and prosper but also allow gaining support directly from the governments, civil society, schools, youth, women's groups, social groups, charitable funded groups and media to participate in the campaign against child labour.

world day against child labour 2020: theme 

"World Day Against Child Labour 2020 will focus on the impact of the crisis on child labour. The COVID-19 health pandemic and the resulting economic and labour market shock are having a huge impact on people’s lives and livelihoods, Unfortunately, children are often the first to suffer. The crisis can push millions of vulnerable children into child labour. Already, there are an estimated 152 million children in child labour, 72 million of which are in hazardous work. These children are now at even greater risk of facing circumstances that are even more difficult and working longer hours". (This text is taken from ILO's official website)

child labour

It is known by all, the pandemic of COVID-19, takes the whole world's economy down in a very vast level even small workplace as well as the number of companies and little shops. so it is noticeable lots of small self employments source usually hired children assisting activities in their shops. this time when everyone suffers from economy downfall mostly the poor family who have only survival source of daily labour wages. so, this money problem of a poor family can coerce their small children for working as labour to full fill their daily need.
child labour

Let me tell you that The International Labour Organisation (ILO) launched the World against Child Labour Day in 2002 to focus attention against child labour and the action or work needed to eliminate it. The first convention adopted by ILO was on Minimum Age industry. It also looks forward towards the UN Sustainable Development who was set by the international community to make an end to child labour by 2025.

child labour

themes of previous years-

the themes for world day against child labour 2019 is “Children shouldn’t work in fields, but on dreams”
The theme for World Day against Child Labour 2018 is "Generation Safe and Healthy".

The theme for World Day against Child Labour 2017 is "In conflicts and disasters, protect children from child labour”.

The theme for World Day against Child Labour 2016 is “End child labour in supply chains – It’s everyone’s business!”

world day against child labour 2020: History

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) was established in 1919 to promote social justice and to set up an International Labour Standards. Let me tell you that the ILO has 187 member states and out of which 186 are also the members of the United Nations. The 187th member is Cook Island (South Pacific). Since then, the ILO has passed several rules to improve the conditions of labour across the world. Not only this, but it also provides guidelines on matters like wages, working hours, favourable environment etc.

child labour

The International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations body that regulates the world of work, launched the World Day Against Child Labour in 2002 in order to bring attention and join efforts to fight against child labour. This day brings together governments, local authorities, civil society and international, workers and employers associations to point out the child labour problem and define the guidelines to help child labourers.

the condition of child labour in India and laws 

According to the UNICEF, there are approximate 10.1 million children employed in child labour in India nowadays. That amounts to around 13% of our work labour, or in other words, 1 in every 10 workers in India is a child; a child who is guaranteed protections under the Indian Law, and guaranteed an education and mid-day meals, till the age of 14, but there is not enough helps by these organisations to our future rising stars.

child labour

let me tell you the condition in India of a poor family's child is a disaster. there is no good school for him/her and also the social environment. the poor child lives in a very plaintive situation, mostly poor families live in the slums area and there is no good social environment nor naturally neither publicly. because people in the slum area survive as a daily labour wage and they are not well educated also, from some of them are parents also and they can't afford high private schooling because in India good schooling means private school who charges the highest fee of a single child in thousands rupees/month. and condition of government school is very poor, I m not talking all the government institutions because a few are totally excellent and I mean it, because I also passed from a good government school (Jawahar navodaya Vidyalaya).

child labour

due to unwealthy economies condition of the family, some children from these families work as a labour in the small shops- like tea stall, a small restaurant (called bhojanalay) etc. but in many cases, lots of children founded works in a very hazardous place like totally illegal and criminal places. there is no doubt in these illegal or mafia's places owner coerce them for doing illegal activities like the supply of drugs and more poisonous as well as alcoholic products.

the laws

there are many government laws who enhance the quality of children to preventing from the child labour.

the very first law is the Employment of Children Act, 1938. in this children's totally prevent works as labour in employment places.

child labour

the Factories Act, 1948 and the Mines Act, 1952, banned the practice of using children below the age of 14 and 18, in their respective production processes.

the Child Labour Act of 1986 which prevents the employment of children below the age of 14 years in life-threatening occupations identified in a list by the law.

the Juvenile Justice of children Act of 2000 made the employment of children a punishable offence.

child labour

At last but not least help those poor children who are stuck in this dangerous plenty situation. keep sharing my article for raising awareness in society.

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