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VITAMIN-D: boosts the immunity and fight against COVID-19

vitamin d covid 19

 VITAMIN-D: boosts the immunity and fight against COVID-19

Several studies by northwestern universities vitamin d play a key role to fight against COVID 19 among the outbreak of coronavirus. vitamin d has a vital role in balancing our body's proper function and screen by various harmful diseases.

One more study by northwestern universities, vitamin d play a key role to fight against COVID 19. by Dr Arielle Levitan, an internist, and Dr Romy Block, an endocrinologist based in Chicago revealed results from a study - led by Northwestern University. that expose a great correlation between severe Vitamin D deficiency and death rates in COVID-.19 patients.

vitamin d covid 19

Significantly, vitamin D is also assumed to play an important role in the body's immune system's response, according to Bruce Troen, who is Professor and Chief, Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, from the University at Buffalo, New York. He told the facts there is a strong correlation between covid-19 and level of vitamin d in the body. those who are rich in vitamin d fight well and those who are lesser in vitamin d lead to death in some case.

Vitamin-d: how it is work against COVID-19

Vitamin D helps fight infection, improves your immune system and supports lung function -- areas which COVID-19 strikes.

vitamin d covid 19

One more thing in the research that doctors find is the role that vitamin D might play in both the cruelty of COVID-19 and the risk of developing the disease. A few recent studies claim to have found a link between low vitamin D levels and COVID-19 fatality. But can a deficiency of this vitamin really increase your risk of death from the virus?

The research team conducted an analysis of data from hospitals and clinics across several countries heavily impacted by the virus, including The United States.

Vitamin-d: rate of death higher in various countries

As we know during the lockdown we all are stuck in the houses. lots of works running from inside the houses by the employees. so it is the most common reason for deficiency level of vitamin d.

vitamin d covid 19

One more thing mostly western countries have a critical geographic location and their places covered by cold lots of time. so that is the major reason behind deficiency level of vitamin d and the death ratio is high in some of these countries. but that's not the only reason because those countries who have older population getting more human casualty.

vitamin d covid 19

But India has death ratio lesser than western country due to sunny location most of the time by the year and most of the young population according to government data.

Vitamin-d rich sources

Vitamin D helps to manage the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, both of which are required to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. Some of the foods naturally contain the vitamin, but the body is capable to produce it when the skin is directly shown to the sun.




vitamin d covid 19

Mushrooms, broccoli, rice, wheat, sunflower seeds etc.


vitamin d covid 19

Cod liver oil, soy, almond, oat milk etc.

vitamin d covid 19

egg, tuna fish, cheese, chicken roast etc.


Carrots, apple, banana etc,. 

vitamin d covid 19

Spend time in sun light, try UV lamp.

VITAMIN-D more information?

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