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international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

“Better Knowledge for Better Care”

our society used to live with full of drugs. everywhere is drugs even in school, where parents leave their children for education. this is an unhidden truth. every person faces this problem once in a day, no matter he travelling in the metro, in park or garden, in open streets even in every single home where one person is definitely addicted by smoke, alcohol and drug. but nobody raises an effective voice against it. this is the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking day.

every year the international day against drug abuse celebrate on the 26th of June since December 1987 when General assembly of united nations declares the war against drugs in the level of worldwide. this action also impressed by china's first war against the trade of opium in human, just before the first opium war in china.

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

"Unless we reduce demand for illicit drugs, we can never fully tackle cultivation, production or trafficking. Governments have a responsibility to counteract both drug trafficking and drug abuse, but communities can also make a major contribution. Families, schools, civil society and religious organizations can do their part to rid their communities of drugs. Businesses can help provide legitimate livelihoods. The media can raise awareness about the dangers of narcotics."    (-- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Message for the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26 June 2011)

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking 2020: Importance and awareness

The day as an event is celebrated worldwide with much-known enthusiasm to make people aware and emphasize the dangers of drug addiction and illegal trafficking. A problem which is a major deterrent to humanity and a toxin to the well-being of the youth, in particular, acts greater problems to the socio-economic and political stability of a nation as also disturbing the sustainable development of a nation.

Drug trafficking is a major challenge over the world, especially in developing countries like India. In countries where poorer people are careless for monetary stability and security is soft, they are suitable to fall prey to this network of crime.

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

Drug trafficking limits human development by preventing education and increasing the rate of crime. By observing an international day to tackle this issue, the United Nations attempts to bring international attention to the severity of this issue and provides a platform for advocacy and tackle this evil situation.

awareness is very important against this evil condition. I saw the worst case when I was schooling and there were just small kids like 13 to 15 year old. they used drugs, smoke, alcohol, opium, halogenation and more toxic drug substance. they kids don't know the harmful and evil side of it. but parents know and even school authority also. so we can make a strict rule against the drug and more of these intoxications. media can play a vital role in a threatening country and government of that country use this media as a panacea. nowadays every home has a TV which is running 24/7 and if the government spread the social message of anti-drug, anti-alcohol and all anti intoxications through the TV channel in every hour across the country. it makes lots of efforts against the anti-drugs.

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

Campaigns, rallies, poster designing and many other programs are conducted. Governments, organizations and individuals in many countries, including Vietnam, Borneo and Thailand, have actively participated in promotional events and larger-scale activities, such as public rallies and mass media involvement, to promote the awareness of dangers associated with illicit drugs.

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking 2020: History

The date June 26 is to commemorate Lin Zexu's dismantling of the opium trade in Humen, Guangdong, ending on June 25 1839,just before the First Opium War in China.

On 26 June 1987, two important texts (Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control & Declaration of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking) were adopted at the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which was held in Vienna during 17-26 June 1987. The Conference recommended that an annual day should be observed to mark the importance of the fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Both the dates 17 June and 26 June were suggested, and in the later meetings, 26 June was chosen and written into the draft and final resolution. (from Wikipedia)

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

According to the UNODC, nearly 200 million people are using illicit drugs such as cocaine, cannabis, hallucinogens, opiates and sedative-hypnotics worldwide. In December 1987 the UN General Assembly decided to observe June 26 as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The UN was determined to help create an international society free of drug abuse. This resolution recommended further action with regard to the report and conclusions of the 1987 International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Following the resolution, the years 1991 to 2000 were heralded as the “United Nations Decade Against Drug Abuse”. In 1998 the UN General Assembly adopted a political declaration to address the global drug problem. The declaration expresses UN members’ commitment to fighting the problem. ( from timeanddate.com)

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking 2020: theme

The theme for the 2020 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking “Better Knowledge for Better Care” 

according to the UN, the theme emphasizes the need to improve the understanding of the world drug problem and how in turn, better knowledge will foster greater international cooperation for countering its impact on health, governance and security.

international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

some important previous themes

“Sports Against Drugs” in 2001

“Think Health – Not Drugs” in 2010

'health for justice, justice for health' in 2019

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