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national anti-terrorism day: meaning, history and importance

national anti-terrorism day

national anti-terrorism day: meaning, history and importance

May 21 is observed as national Anti-terrorism day over India to commemorate the death anniversary of the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi who was slaughtered on this day in 1991, by LTTE (Liberation of Tamil Tiger Eelam) cadres in a suicide bombing attack at the rally at Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu.

national anti-terrorism day

the National Anti Terrorism Day is observed remember India's youngest former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's death anniversary. The honourable man was elected as India's sixth Prime Minister. He was served the nation from 1984 to 1989.

National Anti Terrorism Day: Significance

The objective behind the observance of Anti-Terrorism Day is to wean away from the people from terrorism, violence and to generate awareness in the country among all sections of people about its impact on human suffering and lives. The day spreads the message of peace, humanity, unity and harmony among the people and makes them aware of the anti-social act of terrorism.
national anti-terrorism day

It is celebrated to make the young and teen youths aware that terrorism activities are wrong, and they should never come prey to terrorists in any way. On National Anti Terrorism Day, we also recognise our soldiers, who sacrificed their lives for all of us. Hence, we honour them by paying tribute to all our braved soldiers.

National Anti Terrorism Day: History 

On May 21, 1991, Rajiv Gandhi, India's former Prime Minister, was assassinated by a human bomb in  Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu.

national anti-terrorism day
 PM Rajiv Gandhi was visiting Tamil Nadu to campaign for National elections in the state, as the President of Congress Party. He was appointed as the Prime Minister in 1984 after the assassination of his mother and also India's first lady Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi. A pilot by profession, Rajiv Gandhi switched gears to politics and became the Prime Minister.

national anti-terrorism day

As the Nation's PM Rajiv Gandhi did a lot of excellent work in the favour of all citizens, it was a horrific accident when India lost such a nobleman due to the terrorism.  A woman, who was a suicide bomber and an intrinsic part of the Liberation of Tamil Tiger Eelam (LTTE), a famous terrorist group, approached Rajiv Gandhi throughout his campaign. As an excuse to put garland, and then after touch Mr Gandhi's feet, she came near him, and a blast took place.

national anti-terrorism day

25 people lost their lives during the assassination of PM Rajiv Gandhi, and that's how the country lost its youngest ever Prime Minister. India grieved the death of PM Rajiv Gandhi over the years. After that year, the National Anti Terrorism Day is celebrated each year so that no other honest man losses their life by the vengeance of terrorism and violence.

National Anti Terrorism Day's Pledge 

The government and many other organisations on the moment of National Anti Terrorism Day conduct many functions, programmes and campaigns to teach people about leading a peaceful life without involving in any terrorist exercises whatsoever.
national anti-terrorism day

The pledge is – “We, the people of India, having abiding faith in our country’s tradition of non-violence and tolerance, hereby solemnly affirm to oppose with strength, all forms of terrorism and violence. We pledge to uphold and promote peace, social harmony, and understand among all fellow human beings and fight the forces of disruption threatening human lives and values.”

national anti-terrorism day

more story of anti-terrorism click here

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