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what is neuroendocrine tumour, how this tumour affect's humans

Neuroendocrine Tumour

A condition in which the neuroendocrine cells develop into tumours and it is growing slowly or aggressively and spread to the whole body parts. 

First of all, what is a tumour?

  • Tumours are groups of strange cells that form a bale. They can start in anyone the trillions of cells in our bodies. Tumours grow and behave differently in our body, it is depending on whether they are cancerous, non-cancerous or precancerous. So, this is the short story of tumours.

There is almost 1 million cases per year INDIA registered Neuroendocrine tumours.


  • Many people failed to develop symptoms and the tumour is detected incidentally. When symptoms occur, they can vary be based on the location of the tumour and in rare cases symptoms may occur,

  • Skin flushing,

  • High blood sugar,

  • Diarrhoea,

  • Fluctuating.


  • It depends on the type of tumour. Because of some approaches may include surgery, some are radiations and some are chemotherapy (unwanted reactions to a drug given for the purpose of killing cancer cells).

  • Surgery has a vital role in getting rid of this tumour.  the tumour can spread vigorously other parts of the body, so surgery to remove as much of the tumour as possible or hormone therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

Rate of survival

So according to studies most of the patients receive a diagnosis after the age of sixty. Five-years survival rates can be as high as 90 per cent when the tumours have not spread to other parts of organ or body. This tumour is difficult to diagnose because they often cause no symptoms or they produce symptoms that don’t readily point to cancer.

How this tumour took over the versatile actor Irrfan Khan


  • The actor, who was diagnosed with a rare type of neuroendocrine tumour underwent chemotherapy and treatment in the USA in 2018 before recovering and returning to India.

The actor had tweeted in 2018 that the disease is not about the brain.

  • The actor, who put up a brave face against the disease, and beat it in the past after the recovery from Neuroendocrine tumour, he would restart his legacy again but this flux never let him go. The acclaimed Bollywood star and prolific international actor treated under doctor’s observation. Once he beat this disease in the past and make his instant come back with lovely and super hit movie ENGLISH MEDIUM last month but diagnosed with a colon infection on Tuesday suddenly the 54-year-old actor deteriorated health and admitted to ICU and again try to overcome on the neuroendocrine tumour but this time he fails.

‘’The dearest person passed away. We miss you and we love you forever. We know that you are in heaven, let the angels tell you about our love. REST IN PEACE, dear entertainer.’’

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