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Top 10 philosophy of mahatma gandhi| Quotes| Educative Lines

Mahatma gandhi philosophy

Mahatma Gandhi philosophy: It is unnecessary to specify the accomplishment and the sacrifices of the 'Father of the Nation,' Mahatma Gandhi. His opportunity battle was rousing for the country, however, it has additionally set a fantastic model around the world. His non-cooperation movement was exceptional that demonstrated that autonomy could be achieved calmly. His conviction and faith were powerful and driven peoples to join his development. Mahatma Gandhi had confidence in Satya (truth) and Ahimsa (peacefulness). Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy as well as drilled certain ways of thinking with extraordinary conviction.

Satyagraha (solidness in truth) and Sarvodaya (government assistance of all) are the central ideas of Mahatma Gandhi's political way of thinking. Satyagraha turned into the option peaceful opposition soul power of the mistreated against foul play—an option in contrast to guerrilla war, common conflict and annihilation.


-Top 10 Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi 

-Top 10 Mahatma Gandhi's  Quotes

-Top 10 Mahatma Gandhi's Educative Lines

Top 10 Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi 

1-Search for Truth

I'm nevertheless a searcher after Truth. I guarantee to have discovered an approach to it. I guarantee to put forth an unending attempt to discover it. However, I admit that I have not yet discovered it. To discover Truth totally is to acknowledge oneself and one's predetermination, i.e., to get awesome. I'm horrendously aware of my blemishes, and in that lies all the strength I have, in light of the fact that it is something uncommon for a man to know his own restrictions.

In the event that I was an ideal man, I own I should not feel the pains of neighbours as I do. As an ideal man, I should observe them, endorse a cure, and constrain selection by the power of unchangeable Truth in me. In any case, at this point I just see as through a glass dimly and, along these lines, need to convey conviction by slow and arduous processes, and afterwards, as well, not generally with progress.

That being in this way, I would be not exactly human if, with all my insight into avoidable hopelessness invading the land and of seeing simple skeletons under the actual shadow of the Lord of the Universe, I didn't feel with and for every one of the existing moronic people.

2- My Leadership

They say I claim to understand human nature as no one else does. I believe I am certainly right, but if I do not believe in my rightness and my methods, I would be unfit to be at the helm of affairs.

It is a bad carpenter who quarrels with his tools. It is a bad general who blames his men for faulty workmanship. I know I am not a bad general. I have wisdom enough to know my limitations. God will give me strength enough to declare my bankruptcy if such is to be my lot. He will perhaps take me away when I am no longer wanted for the work which I have been permitted to do for nearly half a century. But I do entertain the hope that there is yet work for me to do, that the darkness that seems to have enveloped me will disappear, and that, whether with another battle more brilliant than the Dandi March or without, India will come to her own demonstrably through non-violent means. I am praying for the light that will dispel the darkness. Let those who have a living faith in non-violence join me in the prayer.


The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

The spirit in me pulls one way, the flesh in me pulls in the opposite direction. There is freedom from the action of these two forces, but that freedom is attainable only by slow and painful stages.

My soul refuses to be satisfied so long as it is a helpless witness of a single wrong or a single misery. But it is not possible for me, a weak, frail, miserable being, to mend every wrong or to hold myself free of blame for all the wrong I see.

4- My Work

It will be time enough to pronounce a verdict upon my work after my eyes are closed and this tabernacle is consigned to the flames.

My work will be finished if I succeed in carrying conviction to the human family, that every man or woman, however weak in body, is the guardian of his or her self-respect and liberty. This defence avails, though the whole world may be against the individual resister.

5- Global citizenship

I learnt from my illiterate however clever mother that all rights to be justified and preserved came from duty well done. Along these lines, the extremely option to live builds to us just when we carry out the responsibility of citizenship of the world. From this one basic statement, maybe it is decently simple to characterize the obligations of man and lady and relate each option to some comparing obligation to be first performed.

6- Trust in God

As soon as we lose the moral basis, we cease to be religious. There is no such thing as religion over-riding morality. Man, for instance, cannot be untruthful, cruel or incontinent and claim to have God on his side.

My trust is solely in God. And I trust men only because I trust God. If I had no God to rely upon, I should be like Timon, a hater of my species.

Whatever striking things I have done in life, I have not done prompted by reason but prompted by instinct, I would say, God.

7- World federation

There will be a global group just when every one of the countries, huge or little, making it are completely independent. In a general public dependent on peacefulness, the littlest country will feel as tall as the tallest. The possibility of administration and commonness will be completely wrecked.

8- No Secrecy

My life has been an open book. I have no secrets and I encourage no secrets.

When I think of my littleness and my limitations on the one hand and of the expectations raised about me on the other, I become dazed for the moment, but I come to myself as soon as I realize that these expectations are a tribute not to me, a curious mixture of Jekyll and Hyde, but to the incarnation, however imperfect but comparatively great in me, of the two priceless qualities of truth and non-violence. I must, therefore, not shirk the responsibility of giving what aid I can to fellow-seekers after truth from the West.

9- Government

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?

It could be some time before the law of love will be perceived in foreign relations. The apparatus of government remain between and hide the hearts of one individual from those of another.

Throughout his political life, Gandhi worked for the upliftment of poor and distressed people. Gandhi became renowned worldwide for his satyagraha campaigns in support of the farmers, merchants and workers.


I have known humanity. I have studied something about psychology. Such a man knows exactly what it is. I do not mind how you describe it. That voice within tells me, "You have to stand against the whole world although you may have to stand alone. You have to stare in the face the whole world although the world may look at you with blood-shot eyes. Do not fear. Trust the little voice residing within your heart." It says: "Forsake friends, wife and all; but testify to that for which you have lived and for which you have to die.

Top 10 Mahatma Gandhi's  Quotes

  • “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

  • “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

  • “The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane.”

  • “An ounce of patience is worth more than a tonne of preaching.”

  • “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

  • “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

  •  “Change yourself – you are in control.”

  • “A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.”

  • “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”

  • “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

  • “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

  • “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”

Top 10 Mahatma Gandhi's Educative Lines

1- He believed that education is the basic necessity of everybody.

2-He suggested that education should be available to children in their mother tongue.

3-He wanted a system where everyone gets free and compulsory education.

4-According to Mahatma Gandhi, education is essential to build a strong character.

5-According to Gandhiji, education plays a vital role in spreading social awareness.

6-According to him, education for children should be like water is to fish.

7-He preached that education is the only weapon that can bring about positive change across the globe.

8-He had a firm conviction that education with a holistic approach can break all barriers, and set the path for progress.

9-Gandhiji felt that there is no beginning point or ending point of education.

10-He prescribed that education should penetrate to every corner of the villages of India to build a robust nation.

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