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World Humanitarian Day 2020: theme, History, Significance

Humanitarian day

World Humanitarian Day 2020: theme, History, Significance

World Humanitarian Day every year observed on the 19th of August. The humanitarian day designated by the United nation General assembly. The day first officially celebrated in 2009. World Humanitarian Day was assigned in memory of the 19 August 2003 bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killing 22 people, including the chief humanitarian in Iraq, Sérgio Vieira de Mello. Then after in 2009, the UN General Assembly formalized the day as International Humanitarian Day.

Humanitarian Meaning -

"Being a humanitarian means helping people who are suffering and saving lives any time any place in the world. And so humanitarian work requires being responsible, Instant helping thinker, who may help people in their need without any differentiation". In one line we can say; "being a humanitarian means an open heart person with mankind helping nature without any hesitation."

This time the world humanitarian day observed in the time when we all fighting and suffering from the deadly Coronavirus COVID-19. And we can see the real humanity by our real Humanitarian worker( Doctors, police and many more.). During the pandemic of COVID-19, our medical staff give their best performance at any cost, by the risking of their life for the saving of humanity over the world. Aid workers helping the suffering people with their 100 per cent efforts. the world humanitarian day also commemorates them who sacrificed their lives in the service of saving humanity.

World Humanitarian Day 2020 theme & Significance


A global campaign that celebrates humanitarians - a “thank you” to the people who have committed their lives to helping others.

According to the United Nation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs( OCHA), #RealLifeHeroes focuses on what drives humanitarians to continue to save and protect lives despite the conflict, insecurity, lack of access, and risks linked to COVID-19. The campaign presents the inspiring personal stories of eight humanitarians — all of them from the Global South and many from countries in crisis themselves. They are treating and preventing COVID-19; administering vaccines; providing food; setting up safe spaces for women and girls; and containing locust invasions despite the pandemic.

Humanitarian day

The Humanitarian Response against the COVID-19 containing in three clear and sharp phases.

  • Contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and decrease morbidity and mortality.
  • Decrease the deterioration of human assets and rights, social cohesion and livelihoods.
  • Protect, assist and advocate for refugees, internally displaced people, migrants and host communities particularly vulnerable to the pandemic.
Humanitarian day

Celebrate the day with #RealLifeHeroes in your social media platforms. Appreciate the work of our medical staff and disciplinary staff because only they are playing a Real-Life Heroes character during the Pandemic of COVID-19.

World Humanitarian Day 2020: History

According to Wikipedia, The designation of 19 August as World Humanitarian Day is the outcome of the relentless efforts of the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Foundation and his family working closely with the Ambassadors of France, Switzerland, Japan and Brazil in both Geneva and New York to the table and steer the draft Resolution through the General Assembly. The Foundation conveyed its deep gratitude to the United Nations General Assembly and all Member States for the worthy gesture of recognition that has ensured that the tragic loss of Vieira de Mello and his 21 colleagues and all humanitarian personnel who have made the ultimate sacrifices in relieving the suffering of victims of humanitarian crises have not been in vain.

Humanitarian day

Sergio Vieira de Mello, nationalist of Brazil delivered his 30 years of responsible service from start to the day was an assassination. He faces the most challenging Humanitarian situation during his life and succeeds in most of them by his responsible serving attitude. His death on August 19, 2003, in Baghdad, along with 21 colleagues, deprived the victims of worldwide armed conflict a unique human leader of unmatched courage, expedition and empathy, who fearlessly supported his cause and on the world map Experienced his plight.

World Humanitarian Day was established by the General Assembly of the UN in December 2008 and was first observed in August 2009. The date of August 19 is the anniversary date of the Baghdad Incident.

Also Read-World Photography Day 2020: History, Origin, Significance

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